President of School Management Committee

Dr. P. L. International School

School Management Committee

Awakening to the strength and beauty that exists inside each of us is what education is all about.
Education, in my opinion, is not just about bricks, mortar, and concrete, but also about developing character, broadening brains, and providing lifelong experiences.
“Responsibility, Integrity, Caring, Respectful, Academic, and Cooperative,” we remind students and parents at Dr. P. L. INTERNATIONAL SCHOOL. We think that by instilling these principles in our pupils, they will be able to lead in both study and life.

Through inquiry learning, there is a commitment to an integrated curriculum approach. Higher-order thinking skills, risk-taking, adaptability, cooperation, and communication skills are all encouraged. Dr. P. L. INTERNATIONAL SCHOOL. provides a stage for its students to display their natural abilities. We also take great care in instilling in our pupils the values of being responsible global citizens. Inspiration is dedicated to the improvement and development of the student community. We want to see them soar to new heights and achieve success in whatever they do. We believe that the goal of education is to replace a closed mind with an open one.
For the school's aims to be met, I require earnest participation from parents and guardians.

Dr. P. L. International School

Mr. Dilip Mishra

President - School Managing Committee